A quick look at things and happenings in my life, in my art, with my family. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

How can one little inanimate object be so special to a boy? Ella is a little grey elephant who has traveled the world now. She has traveled by train, plane, taxi, boat, ferry, across three continents. She is one of the most beloved of objects in Jesse’s life.

One time he left her in his older brother’s school. We couldn’t find her anywhere, and a very sad little boy went to bed without her. I promised I would find her for him. I called all the places I could remember we had gone that day, but nobody had seen a little soft grey elephant. Finally I remember I was at the school with Jesse for a PTA meeting and perhaps, she had gotten left there. Rushing to the school, late, in the dark, I peered through the windows and caught sight of Ella. There she sat, sad and alone.

I dutifully went home, set my alarm clock for 5:00am the next day. I knew the cafeteria workers would be there to open up the school for the day at that time. The next morning I sped to the school, 5am. Silently I crept into the darkened “Parent Room”, grabbed that little elephant and raced home. Putting her into Jesse’s arms while he slept was one of the most satisfying feelings I have ever felt. I knew she would be there for him when he woke, snuggling softly into his face…shnuffling we call it.

I am grateful for the love my kids place on their “lovies”. I had three… “chi-chi”, “blank-o” and “snakie”. Both my boys have soft toys they absolutely have to take with them…even though every trip we take I try to convince them to only take one. Secretly though, I think it adds something to a childhood to have a soft toy. . . which eventually turn real, just like the velveteen rabbit.


Anonymous said...

Great Story, the best one yet on the blog. And I love the writing on the painting too! I'm jealous of Jesse, my Ella is a terrible dog named Edgar...

Jena said...

Awwww, poor Edgar! He does kind of have that "way too much love" look about him, especially when he looks at you with that "reverend jim" look he gets (right before he yells EUROPE!)

Anonymous said...

I was so dissappointed to not find an e-mail or you on skype this morning, then I remebered your blog! EURIKA! Not only another wonderful sketch, but the best story yet! Must be part of your "name". :-) Although "chi chi" is long gone, we still have "Snakie" awaiting your attetion as always! You could be President of WPW someday, think of the wonderful Presidents messages you could write! Loving you and thanks for the gift today. MOM

Anonymous said...

Ok not to be out done by the rest of my family - I feel the need to comment here too... great story, makes me think of e-bear who is now getting too old to attend every sleepover his owner goes on (or it it the other way around and he isn't the one who is too old) but is still just as loved and "snuggled" every night someone is in his own bed.